Marinated Tofu Veggie Skewers


8-10 bamboo skewers
1 package of extra-firm tofu
2-3 bell peppers
1 yellow onion
1 package of button mushrooms
2 tbsp avocado/olive oil
1/2 cups of BBQ sauce
Salt & pepper

1. Soak your skewers for 10 minutes in water before you put veggies on them so they don’t burn on the grill.

2. Press tofu to get the water out (for at least 10 minutes) then cut tofu into cubes.

3. Chop bell peppers, onions. Leave mushrooms whole, but cut off the very bottom of stems.

4. Toss tofu & veggies in some oil, salt & pepper.

5. Create your skewers, alternating tofu with each veggie then brush with a bit more oil. Coating them will help them to not stick to the grill, especially the tofu.

6. Next, coat the skewers with bbq sauce then put on the grill.

7. Make 1/4 turns every 5-10 minutes and continue to add more BBQ as they cook evenly on all sides.

Makes 8-10 skewers.


Simple Garlic Broccoli & Tofu


Penne Rosa