“Cheese” Sauce


3 cups peeled diced potato
4 carrots, chopped
½ cup raw cashews, soaked
2 garlic cloves
5 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tsp onion powder
½ tsp garlic powder
2 tsp salt
1 tsp jalapeno juice
1 tsp lemon juice
2 cups of boiled water

1 tbsp jalapeno


1. First, soak cashews in water while potatoes and carrots are boiling.

2. They should soak for a total of about 30 minutes, but by the time you need them, they’ll be ready. This will make them creamier when blending.

3. Next, boil potatoes and carrots until soft, they can be boiled together. Save the leftover water to add back into the cheese sauce later. (If you forget, it’s ok to use regular water).

4. Then add all ingredients to a high-speed blender. The jalapeno juice is from jarred jalapenos. I also added 1 tbsp of jalapenos as well for a little kick. This is optional.

Makes a lot! About 40 oz.

Other substitutions you can make are:
*You can use white or sweet potatoes
Vegetable broth to replace water
*Add a 1 tsp Smoked paprika
*Use hatch chilis instead of jalapenos

*For higher protein and lower fat content you can replace the cashews with white beans.


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